Acuity crm helps companies to explore and adopt successful deployment of customer relationship management (CRM) programs and systems for structural increase of sales…
Acuity crm helps companies to explore and adopt successful deployment of customer relationship management (CRM) programs and systems for structural increase of sales, customer satisfaction and customer retention. Acuity crm has extensive practical experience with various clients and CRM related projects. This experience is used to advise clients to develope their CRM strategy. A strategy that is linked to the business objectives, market positioning and unique culture of the client.
Use Cases
- Analyses
- Automatisation de la force de vente
- Comptabilité/ERP
- Gestion de compte
- Gestion de projet
- Gestion des affaires
- Gestion des clients
- Gestion des données
- Gestion des leads
- Gestion des tickets
- gestions des évènements
- Management
- Marketing
- Member Management
- Mobile
- Propositions
- Support client
- Cisco WebEx
- Exact Online
- Freshdesk
- IBM Connections
- MailChimp
- Mijns
- Tess
- Activités à but non lucratif
- Commerce de détail et biens de consommation
- Commerce de gros
- Fabrication
- Gouvernement
- Industrie automobile
- Industrie pharmaceutique
- Marketing
- Nourriture et boissons
- Secteur public
- Services aux entreprises et conseil
- Services aux entreprises et conseil
- Services financiers et assurance
- Services professionnels
- Voyages et tourisme