Relationship Analytics for Sugar solution enables forward thinking organisations to unlock the inherent value of their own networks. Maximise revenue through insights that enable account executives and sales leaders to efficiently and effectively manage pipeline, account servicing and renewals.

B2Bs win by building relationships
Are you investing enough in building relationships with customers?
With Relationship Analytics for Sugar, sales representatives will have unprecedented access and insight into all the interactions between the customer and all of the individuals across the business with a few simple clicks.
Relationship Analytics is a complementary solution designed to work easily and seamlessly with Sugar. Leverage Sugar and our Relationship Analytics platform to deliver real-time insights that emerge from popular enterprise productivity and collaboration applications.
360 Degree View of Customer Interactions
Minimise unproductive meetings, lost opportunities, and low renewal rates. Sales Reps and sales managers gain full visibility over interactions with customers (even those that are not in Sugar) and of the status of accounts. Optimise your sales cycles and increase efficiency of employees with relationship analytics.
Replace cold calls with warm introductions
Sales reps can easily find and leverage relationships between employees in the organisation and contacts at the customer. By accurately identifying the people within your organisation who already have a strong relationship with an external party, teams can work together in a more coordinated and effective way.
Discover Missing Contacts
Reduce manual data entry and ensure better data quality in your CRM. Managers are now assured of better data quality and completeness in CRM. Sales reps can quickly and easily add missing contacts to Sugar, with one simple click of a button, for improved data quality, integrity and a true representation of relationships within an account.
Accelerate Onboarding by Transitioning Relationships
Ensure seamless customer experience even after your sales rep leaves. Faster productivity for your new sales rep taking over the account. The typical sales organization loses 15-20% of its team every year. Ensure and improve client retention by transferring key business relationships to new account executives with Transition report and improve the time to productivity of new hires.
Relationship Analytics for Sugar integrates with popular email communication systems like Microsoft Exchange and Office 365, Lotus Domino and GMail for business. It is available with all Sugar editions and supports both SaaS and on-premise deployments.