EIS Inc.: Boosting CRM Adoption & Driving Revenue Growth with SugarCRM & sales-i

EIS Inc.: Boosting CRM Adoption & Driving Revenue Growth with SugarCRM & sales-i

Founded in 1946, EIS Inc. is a manufacturing company that focuses on electrical process materials and related parts serving transformer, electric motor, and other electrical equipment and aftermarket parts. Recently, the company has also started to activate in the electronic, alternative energy, and eMobility sectors. While successful, EIS Inc. also encountered challenges and struggles along their journey.

With extensive and complex operations, EIS Inc. struggled with CRM adoption. The previous CRM the company was using, Salesforce, was under-delivering and lacked the usability the manufacturer needed.

What we'll Cover:

    EIS Inc. Organizational Challenges

    Transitioning from Salesforce to SugarCRM & sales-i was a strategic decision for EIS Inc. As a manufacturing company, EIS needed a way to consolidate data across five different ERPs, as well as combining all customers’ information into a single, robust solution.

    Besides, the organization also struggled with fragmented marketing operations, and lack of visibility into cross-sell and upsell opportunities.

    SugarCRM & sales-i: Bringing Organizational Balance into Manufacturing Operations

    After spending time to truly understand what sales people needed from their CRM solutions, the management at EIS Inc. decided to go for the SugarCRM & sales-i integration. The result? An impressive leap in CRM utilization.

    Understanding the core needs of their sales reps and the business and clearly communicating their goals with SugarCRM and sales-i, a SugarCRM Company. Together, they redefined the customer journey within Sugar, making it the central database for customer information and a powerful ally in identifying missed opportunities for cross-selling and upselling. This helped the company to enhance time productivity, and manage customer interactions with increased precision.

    Aadil Ahmed, CRM and Marketing Automation Manager at EIS Inc., aimed to reduce the time their reps spent in the selected CRM solution, while increasing the quality of that time. By aligning CRM processes with the company’s business model and giving sales reps the data they needed, the entire organization experienced a whooping increase of CRM adoption, from 30% to 95%.

    From User Adoption, to Beyond

    But the company’s journey didn’t stop at improving user adoption. The integration of ERP data and the implementation of sales-i, are now setting the stage for gaining valuable insights and accelerating organizational efficiency. The challenges of aligning marketing campaigns with CRM data, the strategic use of Sugar Market, and the anticipation of harnessing sales-i to identify cross-sell and upsell opportunities contributed to EIS Inc.’s decision to integrate their ERP and CRM solutions using sales-i.

    A well-executed CRM strategy can transform a business from the inside out. The power of data-driven decision-making and the importance of aligning technology with business goals are critical for business success in highly competitive markets such as manufacturing.

    Watch our EIS Inc. customer story here, if you’re looking to drive CRM adoption, streamline your tech stack, and turn data into actionable insights.

    Mihaela Chiurtu
    Mihaela Chiurtu As a Marketing Content Writer, Mihaela is passionate about branding, content strategies, and customer interactions. When outside the office, Mihaela is a Netflix binge-watcher, skincare geek, and music lover.

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