Delivering on our Promises – SugarClub Launch
We understand how frustrating it can be to work with a vendor that promises much but never delivers. In January, we made you a promise for an improved customer experience, and we’ve been working diligently to make that happen. Some of the changes were unidentifiable but largely important, and others were much more noticeable. That said, there’s one change that you can’t (and don’t want to) miss.
The Promise
When I joined Sugar in 2019 as the Chief Customer Officer, I took a hard look at the state of our customer experience. A team of Sugar representatives from different departments joined me in Atlanta for the day—back when we could do such a thing—and we mapped out plans to optimize the customer experience, all with the intention of making our customers not only happier but equipping them with the tools they need to continue driving success.
Take a look at back at that day:
The Concept is Born
In that meeting, we decided that three of the most critical elements of the customer experience are:
- How our customers engage with us, fellow users, and our partner community
- How our customers get the help and resources they need at the moment they need it
- How our customers continue to set themselves apart through relevant Training & Certification
Thus the idea of having one, all-you-need spot for customers was born, and with it came SugarClub. Historically, our customer community focused on developer, technical and support forums. We wanted to put everything a customer could need in a central place, empowering customers to level-up their Sugar knowledge as they’d never been before.
SugarClub’s Debut
SugarClub represents a new outlook and direction of what “community” represents, and is much more than added functionality and content. Our team wanted to create a place where customers could be empowered to interact with us, with like-minded professionals, and with partners, while benefiting from personalized user experiences, simplified navigation, engaging advocacy and gamification, and Training & Certification.
The Club’s three cornerstones, Engage, Learn, and Explore, tie directly back to the goals we identified in our January meeting. Yet now, they are so much more. They are a foundational guide for users to share knowledge and expertise, access robust training & certification materials, and ask product-focused questions or stay up to date with the latest technical news.
Join The Club
Just under seven months after our January meeting, when we promised you that better things would be coming, we are proud to be launching The Club. As we state in our pillar, the CX industry is unfortunately well-known for large, powerful vendors that underdeliver on promises while dictating terms that prioritize their interests above all others. For Sugar, creating customers for life is both a continuous product objective and a solemn business commitment. Sugar customers know they can always count on a trusted partner to deliver on promises, treat them fairly, respect their time, and put their success above all else. SugarClub is a testament to our commitment to our customer’s success. Join The Club by August 31st to earn an Early Adopters Badge. Well, what are you waiting for? I’ll see you at SugarClub!