CX Solutions in a Post COVID-19 World
While the COVID-19 virus is far from being contained, it does not stop us from thinking about what solutions and processes we need to have now to support our customers and prospects and what we need in place when all of this is over. It is easy to say that you need to be closer to your customer and the only way to do that is to have a better understanding of their wants and wishes. This was said before the pandemic and it will be true after. It is just good business. What this crisis has brought to light is the need for a CX solution that can provide automated processes that improve efficiencies and has the flexibility to change quickly when the unknown happens. Many of the successful businesses today are the ones that could quickly adapt to changes in their business processes that have been dictated to them by the pandemic.
A CX solution needs to be more than just a repository that takes in information about prospects and customers to be used at a later date. It needs to be dynamic and constantly fed information that can be surfaced to the user as they interact with prospects and customers in real-time. This becomes a problem with many CX solutions in times like today.
With the drastic changes in business processes due to the SARS-COV-2 virus, it becomes apparent that many solutions are not as flexible as they were expected to be. Sales processes have changed to reflect the fact that face to face meetings are not taking place, and the way customers are buying has also changed. Selling processes need to be adjusted, selling solutions need to be changed, and customer and prospect contact information needs to be updated automatically as more people work from home offices. If all of this data needs to be manually entered or comes from different systems in multiple places across the organization, your customers only see inconsistent experiences and poor customer service, making your company look disconnected and uncaring.
SugarCRM was built from the ground up around the notion that sellers need to spend more time on high-value work instead of entering and finding data. And this isn’t just lip service, every new enhancement or solution is based on one, if not all of Sugar’s four pillars:
- Time Aware Customer Experience Platform
- Continuous Cloud Innovation
- No-Touch Information Management
- Lifetime Commitment to Customers
It is understood and embraced at Sugar that selling is dictated by the external business environment and customer demand changes.
Companies expect software that’s intuitive to use and helpful to their daily life. This is why Sugar’s design philosophy and one of its pillars is no-touch information management. It automatically processes and enhances data with predictive insights and presents this data directly to users in-context with what they are doing, within their tools of choice, so that they receive key insights just when they need them. Sugar solutions also provide the deployment and customization flexibility required to easily tailor to your business needs. This includes integrations that can be built on an iPaaS platform, allowing every integration to be a reusable integration artifact, from custom fields to integration logic, to extending or creating new integration points, making it easier and more cost-effective to swap out Apps when changes dictate. Along with intuitive and configurable user interfaces and flexible workflow, Sugar provides users a successful path to shorter sales cycles and better user adoption during any time of change.